“I'm interested in Love Doll but the store is far away...”
“I want to go to the tour but the time doesn't fit...”
“I'm sorry to get out of the house in the first place...”
“Feel free to ask a question about Love Doll” In order to

respond to customer requests like this, Bell d'Or Tokyo is dedicated best sex simulator on steam LINE I have opened an account.
How to use it is easy! Just click on the URL below and register as a friend from the QR code displayed!
From a little trouble related to a love doll, questions to a sample doll online tour. A dedicated person in charge will respond!

“If you register as a friend, it's not going to be sent ads or something...?” If you are worried, please rest assured.
We do not advertise, announce, etc. through LINE to our customers.
Please feel free to register!

URL for friend registration

For customers who would like to visit the sample doll online】Belle d'Or Tokyo is far away For residents of residence and those who do not fit their time, we are conducting an o sexdoll silicon nline tour of sample dolls using LINE's video call function.
The booking method is easy!

1: Register a friend with a LINE account in Belle d'Or Tokyo

2: Please contact Belld'Or Tokyo with a message stating that you would like to visit online and the date and time you would like to v cheap love doll isit.

3:If the date and time of the tour are decided, we will contact you at sex doll sell LINE from our shop representative as a guide a real doll japanese bout 5 minutes to 10 minutes before the tour time.

4:As soon as the customer is ready, we will connect the video call from the person in charge, so please respond. A representative will guide you while showing you the real doll.

【Online tour hours】
11:00 to 18:00 Closed: Every Wednesday and Thursday
reception We will respond flexibly to your visit requests outside hours and on regular holidays. Please feel free to contact us.